Monday, 28 September 2009

During the week...

Look at:

  1. unsustainability
  2. unpleasurable
  3. innovation
  4. 3 E's / 3 P's
  5. sustainability -----> innovation
  6. design festival review (pics), help

WEEK 3 Class Notes

Theorising Innovation

(1) Innovation as management process
a core business process

Innovation vs. Invention

BBC- ''Design for life''
Business process example: Google (80%:20%)

Possible models of the process

Generation Key features

1st & 2nd- simple linear model-need pull, technology pull
3rd coupling model, recognizing interaction between different elements and feedback loops between them
4th Parallel model, integration within the firm, up stream with key suppliers and downstream with demanding and active consumers
5th system integration, network, being flexible, pen, able to shift, should be continuous

Consequences of partial understanding of the process
  • value is in understanding of the process (and business)
  • Innovation- seeing it as a breakthrough without supporting it
  • Seeing it as a single isolated change rather than part of a wider system
Can it be managed?
Routine than supports the process
---> the way to manage innovation in business context
How and in what basis choices are made?
Size matters (big company or an individual)
How does it fit? How the business is done?

(2) Innovation and sustainability relationship

Innovation spaces:



ethics environment

- A space to innovate
WHat happens if:



ethics environment

- does sustainability is a thing to flourish innovation??
space for innovation
going beyond the norms

Design could be a driver as well as innovation (from the handout, p116-117)

Notes taken from the lecture slides in the class.

Sunday, 27 September 2009

Innovation processes

I have looked at innovation process online and I found many different diagrams and models on this topic but it seems that the process is likely to be similar. I found that most of them are based on markets and satisfying customer needs. On the right side you can see the innovation process I took from NHS Innovation South East website. I think it is straight forward and can be applied almost everywhere.

The process itself starts from IDEA --> Market --> has it been done already --> protect/modify idea --> exploitation of idea. The process will work to plan the development of the ideas and avoid potential pitfalls, such as under-funding of new ideas , risk aversion and wrong understanding of potential market requirements.(Source:

Managing the innovation agenda: Model

In order to find out the way how different companies manage innovation agenda it is useful to break down innovaion into 4 categories:

I believe that some companies do manage innovation agendas and it is very useful to do so.
Companies manage innovation agendas in a different way according to their notion of work.
For instance if the copmany is more product based ( Sony, Apple, Panasonic etc.), then they use product innovation. But the thing is that they have to decide wether it is going to be radical or incremental. Meaning if they are willing to create completely new to the market product (like iPod), or improve the features of the exsisting one (for example plazma screen tv's) However, it will usually cost more to produce something new than to improve an exsisting product.
There is a completely different story with position innovation when company creates absolutely new markets, or redefining the perception of the product to customer. From the examples I gave we can see that companies, especially well-established ones, do manage the innovation agenda but differently. I also think that this model is very useful, because I believe NOW is he time when companies should rethink the way they operate because it is huge opportunity to innovate at the times of crisis in order to survive in the global arena.
(model is taken from the presentation on 'Building an understanding of Innovation')

At the edge of Innovation: Why shifts in the boundaries of innovation matter

Boundaries of innovation are changing over the time. The advanced institute of management (AIM) research identified how innovation boundaries such as geographical, technological, and organisational- are changing and the implication of those changes for policymakers and practitioners. The report outlines 3 sections regarding innovation boundaries.

Section 1: Geographical boundaries
  • the innovation trade balance
  • the internationalisation of innovation
  • the impact of global challenges
Secion 2: Technological boundaries
  • crossing technological boundaries
  • embrace collaboration
  • promote user communities
  • demonstrating the value of new technology
Section 3: Organisational boundaries
  • driving factor behind change
  • managing conflicts
  • a new breed of organisation
  • capturing collaborative value
  • the challenges of collaboration

We see that day by day world becomes more global than ever before, interconnectedness between countries increasing very fast and it is vital to be able to manage any kind of changes, challenges that arise from new forms of collaboration, new advanced technologies, innovative ideas. However it is very important for the organisationds to see how innovation boundaries are changing and therefore find ways to maximise available opportunities by trying to remove or minimise the boundaries, because these boundaries are creating new ways to innovate, grow and develope.

(Class handout-task)

Reflections on the forum (Think Tank experience)

The Think Tank is a forum where Regents Business School students and students from Australian university communicate with each other on different topics as a part of a project.
I think this forum is a huge opportunity for all of us to communicate, discuss different issues, see various views and being able to come up with right solutions.For me it is quite hard to express by feelings in big audiences but here I feel more confident to write about what I feel and what I think.It is very important to see how people react, the way they answer questions and communicate. I mean it is very interesting to hear so many views and to learn something from it.

Monday, 21 September 2009

The London Design Festival
Here is the link to the London Design Festival that i am about to visit this week as a part of our class activities. From this link you can find almost everything about the festival and to search for the events, dates and times.
I haven't yet decided which event I will go to because there is a huge number of them and I want to choose the best one for me and the one I'll be interested in.
I have never been to the festival and I hope to get as much of it as possible and i think it is an experience. This will give me better undestanding of the design innovation and sustainability, and the way they collaborate with each other from the real example.
Hope to enjoy!

During the week!

  1. visit The London Design Festival
  2. Look at the model and answer questions
  3. Read the handout on how the classical view of innovation and design has changed/changing during the time?

Seminar, week 2

Purpose of the Blog - is to monitor process, comment on projects, reflections, information, research etc.

! "What makes Sustainability pleasurable?" Think Tank


INNOVATION- innovation is important to business

Difference between existed definition of the innovation vs. design-business innovation

"Fashionable to call everything innovation"

What is innovation?
According to Bettina von Stamm, innovation is a state of mind (thinking differently). It is a certain way of thinking. Seeing a bigger picture, strategic.

There should be a room for innovation.

  1. new to the world (coming up with completely new products)
  2. line extension (ex. I pod, I phone)
  3. Me-to-products
  4. Product modification

! The balance between creativity and implementation is crucial


  • idea needs to be supported and stimulated
  • intrinsic motivation-employees should be motivated and inspired to the idea
  • putting ideas ino practice
  • needs to be planned ahead and well structured
  • timing is crucial

! Designer are needed to participate and come up with new and improved ideas


Radical Incremental

(completely new) (improving exsisting products)

8 types of innovation:

  1. product
  2. process
  3. position
  4. paradigm
  5. architectual
  6. market
  7. regular
  8. revolutionary

Why it is valuable?

survival, opportunities, competitive advantage, better understanding of the users needs, knowledge management

How companies manage innovation ideas?? ---> look at the diagram!

- will it be helping, or it is already happening?


Design plays a huge role, it is incremental to the innovation.

Project A

Think Tank

  • Online interaction with australian students
  • sharing ideas
  • brainstorming
  • chatting with the students about particular subjects
  • 50% participation

Sustainability---------------> politics planet profit economy environment ethics

  • impact on the environment (positive/negative)
  • human factor (emotions and pleasure)

Sustainability as Pleasure

Lecture 1 notes to revise..

Managing design and sustainability innovation

In this module- everything is digital
Innovation is about dealing with comfortability
- framework
Process blog this time, NOT the process folder

Module Outline:
Main aims:
- understanding the notion of the innovation (value of the moment of discovery)
- how do we define the value of innovation? (notion of barriers ---> coming up with better ideas)
- sustainability as a barrier!
Global focus:
- interaction with Australian students at Think Tank
Process blog 50% (wk 7, 12)
Project A 20% using the collaboration with australian students (wk 6)
Project B 30% (wk 12, mini simposium)


due 19 october, 7th december
what to do?
  • composing day to day thoughts
  • make comments on learning
  • write about the progress
  • process outlining
  • challenges
  • citation is important
  • adding articles, videos
  • inspiration
  • using it as a ool to explore more
  • ideas and concepts

Sunday, 20 September 2009

video on environmental sustainability

here is the link to a video about environmental sustainability which i found very useful, and i think it gives you a better understanding about the issue, the causes and the aims to achieve better results. This video has lots of pictures, and almost no word.. but in this cas we dont really need them

Friday, 18 September 2009

Pleasure- how do we experience pleasure?

For me pleasure can be seen as an emotional reaction to physical actions (resting after shopping with your shopping bags full ) and non-physical ones (knowing that the person you love loves you back) .At that very moment during writing this replay i was thinking what kind of things will give me pleasure and I came up with this --> being on the beach in some warm country listening to the sound of waves and warm wind around me, the sun is shining, not worrying for exams, dissertation and other problems, the state of peacefullness will bring me pleasure at that very moment.

think tank experience..

as i have noticed previously there is a project we have to undertake which allows us to share our vies on different topics including sustainability.
There is a forum where me, our group and group os australian students share our ideas and opinion on some topics.

First we had to answer this question: "What is pleasure?"
That was my answer: "Pleasure... pleasure is a very sensitive word because of its nature. There is no single word or single definition to define PLEASURE. Everyone can have a different feeling about it, and you can't go wrong. In my view pleasure is not only about the comfort and satisfaction. It is more about harmony within yourself AND the external environment. It is a feeling of fullfillness and delightfullness. It is also the state when an individual finds peace and balance. Some people can feel pleasure during shopping, buying a new car, eating chocolates etc. In other words, pleasure can be seen differently by individuals, but it is always a positive feeling."

Let me tell you more about myself...

I am a 3rd year design management and business student at Regents business school london. This blog is a part of my 3rd yead design module called "Managing design and sustainability innovation". This blog is kind of a tool for us students to be able to collect, display and find more information on topics we cover during the course. It is also a way of expressing ideas with people and sharing thoughts. We can write of th esteps and process we going throughought the semester.
Another part of this module so far is a project where we are asked to chat with australian students and share our vision on different topics with them. This way we will get lots of info, pact, views, ideas and will hopefully discover something.

sustainability cont.

I will come back to issue later on.. There is still so much to discover)))
( <--------- from this official site of pret a manger you will be able to find very detailed information on their sustainability issue.

sustainability question cont.

In my view another example of "sustainable" organisation could be starbucks as it is also practices environmental programs, ethical and cultural issues.
As well as Pret, Starbucks is aware of environmental issues the world is facing today. Starbucks wants to minimise the environmental impacts throughout the entire supply chain, from coffee beans to coffee cups. It’s one of the guiding principles and its part of the way they conduct business.
In 1991 Starbucks began donating to “CARE”, the world’s biggest private non-profit global relief organisation and explore the reasons of poverty and offering emergency support in times of failure. Those donations are aided to promote developing countries with essential community projects like recycling, clean-water systems, health and sanitation training, and literacy efforts. Starbucks needs to emphasis trough new marketing strategies that its design criteria centred on. Part of the company’s design criteria is to continue having a hand in local communities, and retaining a positive reputation. EPA (2005), ‘A Forum on Sustainability, Well-Being, and Environmental Protection: What’s an Agency to Do?’, EPA, 2008


I am very interested in sustainability issue, as it is one of the most important topic of todays world. However most people have a lack of knowledge about this issue. Now as the world is being more global such issues as ethical, economical, environmental are rising day by day. Being sustainable is being ethical in every sense, being friendly with the environment, with people around you and with the nature. It is not just about going green. That is my oun understanding of sustainability.

Monday, 14 September 2009


This is my first blog. Hope to enjoy it!